
Steps to the home savings program

Πρόγραμμα εξοικονομώ κατ οίκον

In the context of better service to our end consumers, Europa has gathered the main steps needed for the smooth integration of those interested in the program of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change “Saving At home”. The amount of the grant may amount to up to 70% of the total costs.

The following are briefly outlined. More specifically:

  • Visit to a bank participating in the credit rating program.
  • Finding an Energy Inspector and selecting interventions.
    Authorization to join the program is based on the fact that the interventions will change the energy level of your building.
  • Detailed offers from aluminum manufacturers or workshops. They should contain all interventions.
  • Issuing an initial Energy Certificate by an Energy Inspector.
  • Filing a file with the bank and pre-approval.
  • 4-month margin for final bids.
  • Signing a contract.
  • Disbursement of prepayment.
  • Completion of work within 3 months.
  • Second Energy Inspection and Energy Certificate Issuance.
  • Deposit of documents and documents to the bank.
  • Disbursement of expenses.